Monday, February 1, 2016

Hockney Style Joiners

Welcome back everyone today I am writing about photomontage and David Hockney. The difference between the photomontages I am doing and the ones David Hockney does is plentiful so let me tell you. Hockney would use processed color prints and arranged/glued them in the real world, however in class we are using photoshop and adobe bridge to create our photos. Also we are using DLSR cameras but Hockney used a Polaroid and recently has used his iPhone and iPad. The goal for why we are doing this is different as well, he was trying to make a living as we are just doing a school project.

There are tons and tons of images on the internet, good ones, bad one, inspirational and not so inspirational. Lots of them try to send messages through this photography or imaging and the photos send positive or negative messages. Just like the image provided (Which I did not make.) photos can send very positive messages, they can achieve this by literally saying a positive message like "You rock!". But they can be subliminal to have some emotion where all or most people have had in their life. Or in the contrary they can send negative messages. Like photos that show a grey world or a sad person they can all send negative messages. As well just as the positive messages an experience that most have had in their life.
My final photo montage

In my final photomontage or joiner as some call it we are supposed to have it symbolize ourselves or represent us and what i want people to see is probably mainstream. What I want to to see is friendship and tranquility. The reason I believe this represents friendship is well it was a gift from my friend and I probably won't see him for a very very long time because he is going to kamehameha school (probably) and he has been with me since second grade and it was fun. For me it represents tranquility because it always stays still and slowly grows.

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