Thursday, May 12, 2016

Animated Life Lessons

Jhoanna working
Hello everyone hope you enjoyed the little extra stuff I added, today I'm talking to you about that animation project I told you about! So in this project we're still doing GIF animation, except we create a story with a life lesson using our teams GIF characters. We each take a scene and animate it. my team for this project was Katie and Jhoanna. We planned to have Katy be the stubborn ballet teacher, and Jhoanna be the clumsy student. I was supposed to be the guy who helps to often. That was what we thought our traits were.

We started to use humor by using stupid graphics, like having Jho split her legs in mid air. That isn't what we're supposed to do however, I just thought it was funny. Anyways, we used humor as much as possible while still keeping a serious story. I feel we achieved it, maybe you would disagree. I think we did absolutely fine, but I respect your opinions.

Katy working as well
Jhoanna is in the background.
The world always needs more Katy
So my team has never worked together before, and oh baby, was it horrible. We were super extreme struggling with this project for so many reasons. Firstly we took a really long time arguing about noses on the script. It was a real struggle (Insert struggle is real meme). Luckily we were allotted more time to do our project. If not for this, I think we would've failed. Thank the heavens that we got an extension. Anyways, I'm getting off track, the best moment I thought, was when we were all animating, as we were very productive. So hope you enjoyed this post, and I'll see ya' later!